Got a question for us? Find out the answer to your queries below!


We do not have a physical showroom but we have a huge warehouse with comprehensive range of decor for your home staging.

All charges will be waived as it is already inclusive in our package deals,
All furnishings are insured by property Staging and you can have a piece of mind for renting with us.

Property Staging

We do not perform any forms of site surveys. With your photos and videos submission, it will be sufficient for us to make an assessment.


All quotes are non-obligatory and you do not have to pay anything till you confirm the service with us.

We have various packages to suit your needs. The most basic of service is just renting of the furnishings. However you can add on other services like painting, moving, storage, de-cluttering and etc.

We definitely do stage owner-occupied units. In fact our add on services such as painting, moving, storage, de-cluttering assist our clients to have a hassle free services to engage us as we provides all rounded services to settle all your needs.

Obtain a full price guide from our sales staffs to start your journey with us.

Go to our contact page to submit the form request and our friendly sales staffs will get in touch with you within 24 hours or just whatsapp us using the bottom right corner for faster response.

For a full home staging, it will take estiamted less than 3 hours. However if other services are involved such as painting, de-cluttering, sotrage etc..The time will be longer depends on the home conditions.


All our furnishings are base on avaialbility and each thematic home staging setup consists of the standard items that match the theme. This is to facilitate the smooth flow of the whole process as you do not need to choose item by item for the home staging. Instead you just need to choose the theme you want.


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